Additional languages added to Voice text-to-speech
Who is affected: Voice customers.
Products affected: Voice
- Added language support for Voice text-to-speech: The following languages have been added to the supported languages for Voice text-to-speech:
‐ Arabic
‐ Dutch (Belgian)
‐ Catalan
‐ Chinese (Cantonese)
‐ English (Ireland)
‐ English (New Zealand)
‐ English (South African)
‐ Finnish
‐ French (Belgian)
‐ Spanish (Mexican)
- List of supported languages: Go to Voice - Supported languages for text-to-speech for the complete list of supported languages and their codes.
Additional information: Go to our developer documentation for Voice for more information about our Voice product. If you are new to Telesign OR have questions regarding Telesign's Voice product, please contact us.