Generate your own one-time passcode with Verify API

Who is affected: Verify API customers
Products affected: Verify API
- New Verify API parameter for POST request:  Use the new security_factor parameter to define your own one-time passcode (OTP) for a verification process. This gets applied to all OTP-based methods (SMS, WhatsApp, etc.) in the active verification policy. By default the length of OTPs is limited to six-digits, contact Telesign Customer Support to change the configured OTP length (minimum three-digits, maximum 10-digits). See Create a verification process for full reference details about this parameter.
- New use for existing Verify API parameter for PATCH request: Use the security_factor parameter to send Telesign your end user's asserted OTP, so you can end the verification process and avoid added costs due to additional sends to the same end user. See Update a verification process for full reference details about this parameter.

Email ID for Contact and Contact Match added to Phone ID

Who is affected: Full-service Phone ID customers
Products affected: Phone ID - Contact and Contact Match
- Email ID added to Contact:  When available, Email ID returns the first name, last name, address, city, state/province, country, and zip code that are associated with a submitted email address and phone number when using the Contact Identity attribute. This feature enhances any industry specific use case where a digital identifier is involved. See Phone ID - Identity attributes: Contact for more information.
- Email ID added to Contact Match: Email ID provides additional match scoring of the submitted information based on the email address, on top of the phone number. See Phone ID - Identity attributes: Contact Match for more information.
- Requirements: Email ID supports one email address, specifically, it will return data based on the email address that was submitted upon sign-in or sign-up. Because Email ID is part of Phone ID, it will only return a response if there is a valid phone number in the request. Contact our Customer Support Team regarding any applicable consent and opt-in requirements that may apply.
- Availability: Email ID is currently available to Full-service customers with end-users in the United States. Please contact our Customer Support Team to obtain the latest information on supported markets and to enable Email ID for your account.

New Messaging callbacks parameter available for select channels

Who is affected: Messaging customers
Products affected: Messaging - MMS, RCS, Email, and SMS
- New Messaging callbacks parameter:  A new Messaging callbacks parameter identifies the channel used for an end user's response - ideal for situations when the same Mobile Originated (MO) Callback URL is used for more than one channel. This simplifies using one MO Callback URL for an integration. The new parameter sub_resource returns a value that lists the specific channel used when an end user replies with a suggested action or by sending an inbound message. For example, if the end user's response is via the RCS channel, sub_resource returns the value mo_rcs. The values for each channel are listed below:
- MMS: mo_mms
- RCS: mo_rcs
- Email: mo_email
- SMS: mo_sms

New Verify API and product naming migration

Who is affected: All customers using Telesign verification products
Products affected: SMS Verify, Voice Verify, Silent Verify, App Verify (deprecated), Smart Verify (deprecated)
- Naming migration: The products we formerly referred to as the "Telesign Verify API" have now been renamed; each one is now a separate API of its own. No changes have been made to the API contracts or integration requirements, but our documentation has been changed to reflect this new naming convention.
The names that have been changed are:
- SMS VerifySMS Verify API
- Voice VerifyVoice Verify API
- Silent VerifySilent Verify API
- Smart Verify (deprecated) → Smart Verify API (deprecated)
- App Verify (deprecated) → App Verify API (deprecated)
- Verify APIVerification products
We made this change to free up the name "Verify API" to be used for a new product, as described below.
- new Verify API released: The new Telesign Verify API released today allows you to perform phone-based, multi-factor authentication (MFA) using multiple channels and methods. By setting multiple channels in your verification policy, you can even cascade from your primary channel to another one when the primary authentication method isn't available.
Authentication methods available for this new service include:
- SMS one-time passcode (OTP)
- WhatsApp OTP
- Viber OTP
- email OTP
- Silent Verify (Contact our sales team for availability in your region.)
- Push Verify (Contact our sales team for availability in your region.)
Our legacy verification APIs are still fully supported.
Here are the key benefits to you of using this new product for verification:
- One-stop shop for verification: As Telesign continues to add new verification methods, you can save on developer time to integrate with them, since you'll continue using this single API.
- Create cost savings and predictability: As your budget and messaging costs change, you can easily adjust the mix of verification channels you use to what's right for your business without changing the API endpoint you are making requests to.
- Improve your customers' experience: Over-the-top (OTT) channels offer additional brand protection and security not offered by traditional OTP channels like SMS or voice. Using channels like WhatsApp, RCS, and Viber allows you to send to a customer's preferred communication channel and deliver rich media experiences not available with SMS or voice.

Enhancement to boost model accuracy and reliability to combat IRSF added to Verify Plus

Who is affected: SMS Verify customers using Verify Plus
Products affected: SMS Verify with Verify Plus
- SMS Verify customers now have an option for enhanced detection of IRSF:  The new enhanced International Revenue Share Fraud (IRSF) detection in Intelligence delivers improved customer fraud protection. Internal analysis showed a double-digit increase in block share under IRSF attack conditions and with even higher block share increases possible for specific country origins.
- No integration changes or preparation needed: Making use of this enhancement requires no special integration work for Intelligence 2.0 customers. To get started, Full-service customers should reach out to their customer contact and Self-service customers should contact our Customer Support Team.

Enhancements to Intelligence boost model accuracy and reliability to combat IRSF

Who is affected: Customers using Intelligence
Products affected: Intelligence
- Intelligence 2.0 customers now have an option for enhanced detection of IRSF: The new enhanced International Revenue Share Fraud (IRSF) detection in Intelligence delivers improved customer fraud protection. Internal analysis showed a double-digit increase in block share under IRSF attack conditions and with even higher block share increases possible for specific country origins.
- No integration changes or preparation needed: Making use of this enhancement requires no special integration work - simply inform your customer contact of your interest in using this feature. If you are a self-service customer, contact our Customer Support Team to assist you with getting these enhancements.
- Possible increase in latency: While Telesign strives to minimize any impact on performance, customers should expect to experience an modest increase in latency when using this enhancement. However, the improved IRSF fraud detection accuracy outweighs the minor latency increase.

Breached Data identity attribute added to Phone ID

Who is affected: Full-service customers
Products affected: Phone ID
- Breached Data identity attribute added to Phone ID: The Telesign Breached Data identity attribute flags phone numbers that have been involved in a recent data breach, helping prevent synthetic identity fraud and account takeovers by fraudsters using stolen passwords and credentials. See our solution brief. You can determine the date of the latest data breach, as well as any other personal identifiable information (PII) that was compromised in that data breach. This allows you to identify the accounts of the users whose PII was recently compromised. Accounts that belong to users impacted by recent data breaches are at additional risk of being targeted by fraudsters, as the users' data might be accessible on the dark web.
- Global coverage: Telesign Breached Data provides global coverage through a single API integration with very low latency. Check phone numbers against a dark web database of more than 166 billion breached data records across email, passwords, IP addresses, usernames, and geographies to confirm breach status.
- Continuous protection: Breached Data is updated daily so you can be informed of recently breached data, typically weeks or even months before anyone else.
- Coordinated coverage: Breached Data works with other Phone ID identity attributes through the same API.

Email added as a channel to omnichannel Messaging

Who is affected: Full-service customers
Products affected: Messaging
- New channel added to omnichannel Messaging: Email joins SMS, MMS, WhatsApp, RCS and Viber as a Messaging channel that helps you create rich and reliable communications flows with your end users. Use the channels that your end users are most comfortable with and use daily.
- Email expands your communication options to your existing end-users: Using Messaging to send emails allows you to send individualized automated messages that deliver timely information to your end-users in direct response to specific transactions, actions, or events. These transactional communications allow you to build exceptional customer experiences that foster customer loyalty, driving repeat business and heightened customer retention rates.
- Email expands your channel fallback options: In addition to SMS, MMS, WhatsApp, RCS, and Viber, email increases your automated fallback options from one channel to another. For example, if SMS fails or times out because your end user's mobile device isn't working, your message can still be sent automatically using email if email is enabled as a Messaging fallback option.
- Email allows you to promote your brand: Your emails can include your corporate or brand logo plus links to images and videos to help drive end-user engagement. Links for your logo, images, and videos must be on publicly hosted URLs.


Product learning and usage tools for Intelligence added to self-service portal

Who is affected: Self-service customers (including trial accounts)
Products affected: Self-service portal, Intelligence
- New use case and solution tools: A new Solutions page provides you with solutions that address onboarding, account integrity, and engagement use cases that you can learn about and test.
- New product learning tools: We've added an explanation of product usage to the Intelligence product page and Q&As to provide answers to common questions about Intelligence.
- Learn more about Intelligence: You can learn more about Intelligence and common use cases for it. Articles devoted to fake account prevention and promotion abuse provide you with information on how to use Intelligence to effectively combat these two issues. You'll also find links to developer documentation for Intelligence.
- Immediately test Intelligence without code: You can use the step-by-step instructions to try Intelligence without using code. If you are a trial or self-service customer, this method is a great way to quickly learn about Telesign's Intelligence product.

Verify Plus and Intelligence enabled for self-service accounts

Who is affected: Self-service customers (including trial accounts)
Products affected: Self-service portal, SMS Verify, Verify Plus, Intelligence
- Verify Plus enabled: All Self-service accounts can now activate the Verify Plus add-on for SMS Verify. When Verify Plus is active for an SMS Verify transaction, the send is blocked if the risk score of the phone number is too high.
- Verify Plus controls added to portal: In the Self-service portal, in your SMS Verify settings, you can now activate Verify Plus. You can choose either to enable it for all transactions or only for recipient phone numbers from specific countries.
Fixes: None
New features:
- Intelligence enabled: The Telesign Intelligence product is now available to Self-service accounts.
- Intelligence controls added to portal: A new Intelligence product page has been added to the Self-service portal; on this page you can search your Intelligence transaction history.
Additional info: None
How this may affect you:
- Decide on your blocking strategy: You can configure Verify Plus either to be active across all countries or only for a limited set of countries. You can also adjust the score threshold for blocking in the Self-service portal to be more or less strict.
- Activate Verify Plus: To take advantage of this new capability, you must turn on Verify Plus for your account in the Self-service portal. See How can I activate the Verify Plus add-on? for detailed instructions on how to activate Verify Plus.
- Adjust integration to handle Verify Plus callbacks: You can get insight into why each transaction was either blocked or allowed by Verify Plus by examining the payload of SMS Verify callbacks from Telesign when Verify Plus is active for your account. You might choose, for example, to create reporting that records how many SMS sends were blocked for each country. See SMS Verify - Screen recipients using Verify Plus for more technical details on how Verify Plus works.
- Save money: After activating Verify Plus for your account, you can avoid incurring the cost of sending SMS messages to risky phone numbers that might not belong to legitimate users. Use this add-on to mitigate the impact of bots, fake users, and fraudulent behavior.
- Add risk score evaluation to other workflows: You can adjust other parts of your system beyond SMS OTP flows to check risk scores for phone numbers (as well as other attributes) by integrating Telesign Intelligence. See Intelligence - Overview in our developer documentation to get started. You can also ingest the underlying reason codes that explain why we gave the score that we did, and use them to feed your own risk model.