SMS Verify enabled for self-service accounts

Who is affected: Self-service customers
Products affected: Self-service Portal, SMS Verify
Changes: Telesign is pleased to announced that all self-service accounts can now use SMS Verify. You can use this service to send one-time passcodes (OTPs) to your customers as part of your customer onboarding and verification workflows. The SMS Verify product is available and easily accessible within the Self-service Portal. The SMS Verify product page also allows you to easily access the SMS Verify transaction logs in the Self-service Portal. The logs are searchable and include transactions from the past seven days. Select SMS Verify transaction logs in the Self-service Portal to view your recent SMS Verify transactions by country, phone number, Reference ID, and Status Code.
Fixes: None
New features: SMS Verify is now available in the Self-service portal.
Additional info: None
How this may affect you: You'll find that SMS Verify is a simpler and more efficient way to send OTPs than using Telesign SMS to send OTPs. All you need to do is make a request to Telesign with the end user's phone number, and Telesign can take care of generating a time-based OTP code and sending it via an SMS message. You'll also have easy access to transaction logs in the self-service portal.

Direct link to Phone ID logs added to self-service portal

Who is affected: Self-service customers
Products affected: Self-service Portal
Changes: Phone ID transaction logs are now easier to access from the Phone ID product page in the Self-service Portal. The logs are searchable and include transactions from the past seven days. Select Phone ID transaction logs on the Phone ID product page in the portal to view your recent Phone ID transactions by country, phone number, and Reference ID. You can view each transaction's Status Code in the transaction logs.
Fixes: None
New features: Phone ID transaction search
Additional info: None
How this may affect you: Faster and easier access to transaction logs in the Self-service Portal.


SMS Verify and Verify Plus: New version includes Intelligence risk insights and improves latency

Products affected: SMS Verify and Verify Plus
Changes: Telesign introduced a new version of SMS Verify. The previous version was deprecated on 3/30/23 GMT. In the new version, some features (the 229, 230, and 233 statuses and the Verify Plus packages) are returned asynchronously in the Delivery Receipt. If you are an SMS Verify customer who logged in and had blocklisting and/or Verify Plus active before 3/30/23 GMT, you are pinned to the old version to allow you enough time to plan integration changes. All other customers are pinned to the new version.
Fixes: None.
New features: In the new version of SMS Verify, Verify Plus uses Intelligence 2.0 which includes Intelligence's risk_insights package. The risk_insights package will provide you with additional detail explaining why Telesign issued a particular score.
Additional info: To upgrade to the newest version of SMS Verify (and use Intelligence 2.0), reach out to our Customer Support Team. Contact our Customer Support Team if you have questions about which procedure you should use for your integration.

How this may affect you:
- New SMS Verify version: The new version improves the latency for Verify Plus by 30% over the previous version. Check that your integration does not depend on parsing the HTTP response for the status codes listed above or for Verify Plus packages if you are pinned to this version. If your integration does, it needs to be changed or it may break. Intelligence 2.0 uses a different score scale which you can find on this page. See this procedure for screening recipients using Verify Plus.
- Existing SMS Verify version: If you are pinned to this version, you can continue to use your current integration but you should plan to transition to the new behavior. If you want to enjoy the advantages of Intelligence 2.0 and are pinned to the old version, you will need to either prepare to transition to the new version and ask Customer Support to switch you to the new version or ask Customer Support to upgrade you to Intelligence 2.0 and then adjust your integration accordingly. When you transition to the new behavior, check that your integration does not depend on parsing the HTTP response for the status codes listed above or for Verify Plus packages. If it does, it needs to be updated or it may break. Intelligence 2.0, which is used in the new version of SMS Verify, uses a different score scale which you can find on this page. While you remain on the old version of SMS Verify, you'll use this legacy procedure for screening recipients using Verify Plus but once you transition, you'll use this new procedure for screening recipients.


Direct link to SMS transaction log from SMS product page in self-service portal

Products affected: Self-service portal
Changes: SMS transaction logs are now easier to access from the SMS product page in the self-service portal. Select the SMS transactions link on this page to view your recent SMS transactions by country, phone number, and Reference ID. The logs are searchable and include transactions from the past seven days. More specific status codes are also included with each record.
Fixes: None
New features: None
Additional info: None
How this may affect you: Faster and easier access to transaction logs in the self-service portal to assist with troubleshooting.


New features for self-service account management

Products affected: All, SMS
Changes: None
Fixes: None
New features:
- Buy a phone number faster: You can now buy a phone number through our request form. Our team responds to these requests within 3-5 business days. (Add money to your wallet to access this feature.)
- Manage SMS settings directly from the self-service portal: From your SMS product page in the self-service portal, you can now see and edit your callback URLs, blocked countries, throttle limits, and more by selecting the "Manage settings" button. (Add money to your wallet to access this feature.)
Additional info: None
How this may affect you: Enjoy these new ways to manage your account!


Score - Removal of P2P codes results in 35% improvement in latency of calls

Products affected: Score
Changes: After a review of the quality, reliability, and availability of data sources, we removed P2P reason codes and the associated data from our Score product.
Fixes: None
New features: None
Additional info: As of Dec. 1, 2022, Telesign products only return the insights reason code 30201 (No P2P data analyzed) in the ā€œp2pā€ package. You should no longer expect any other P2P codes. By focusing more on A2P analysis, we improved the latency of calls to Telesign Score by more than 35%.
How this may affect you: You should no longer use P2P codes other than 30201 in your Score integration.


Welcome to the Telesign Changelog!

Products affected: Developer Portal
Changes: None
Fixes: None
New features: Added Changelog to Developer Portal
Additional info: None
How this may affect you: You now have a central place to track updates to all Telesign products, including new features, changes to API contracts, deprecation announcements, and more.