Receive SMS delivery reports

This is a web service created by you, to receive notifications from Telesign. The details described here are for notifications from Telesign Engage for delivery reports for SMS requests (excluding bulk requests). You can receive notifications from multiple Telesign services at the same endpoint.

Looking for the high-level guide page to learn how to set up and use a Transaction Callback Service? Go to Transaction Callback Service. See Authenticate Callbacks to learn more about the version of authentication used for callbacks.

Status codes

Status codeAssociated text stringDescription
200Delivered to handsetThe SMS was delivered to the end user's phone. (Final)
203Delivered to gatewayThe SMS was delivered to the gateway. If the gateway responds with further information (including successful delivery to handset or delivery failure), the status is updated. (Intermediate)
207Error delivering SMS to handset (reason unknown)The SMS could not be delivered to the end user's handset for an unknown reason. (Final)
210Temporary phone errorThe SMS could not be delivered to the handset due to a temporary error with the phone. Examples - phone is turned off, not enough memory to store the message. (Final)
211Permanent phone errorThe SMS could not be delivered to the handset due to a permanent error with the phone. For example, the phone is incompatible with SMS, or illegally registered on the network. This can happen when a phone number is blacklisted, or is incorrectly provisioned. (Final)
220Gateway/network cannot route messageThe network cannot route the message to the handset. (Final)
221Message expired before deliveryThe message was queued by the mobile provider and timed out before it could be delivered tothe handset. (Final)
222SMS not supportedSMS is not supported by this phone, carrier, plan, or user.
231Invalid/unsupportedThe content of the message is not supported.
233Message blocked due to high risk score.It was determined that the risk recommendation for the destination number is higher than the configured maximum risk recommendation. For that reason Telesign did not send the SMS.
237Message blocked in requested countryYou requested that messages in a specific country be blocked, and the message was being sent to this country.
238Destination blocked by prefixYou requested that phone numbers with a particular prefix be blocked.
250Final status unknownThe final status of the SMS cannot be determined.
251Message successfully sent out for delivery, however final confirmation of delivery to handset was not received.Telesign successfully delivered the message through our gateway and it passed downstream. However, Telesign did not receive a delivery receipt within 12 hours of transmission. We cannot confirm delivery to the handset. The end user most likely did not receive the message.
292Queued by gatewayThe SMS gateway has queued the message.
295Status delayedThe status of the SMS is temporarily unavailable.
500Transaction not attemptedNo SMS request was attempted.
501Not authorizedNo permissions for this resource, or authorization failed.
502Campaign errorThis error can be generated if there is a problem with the short code used.
503Carrier rejected - temporary problemThis error is generated if there is an error on the carrier or operator side that is temporary and the message can be retried.
504Carrier rejected - permanent errorThis error is generated if there is an error on the carrier or operator side that is permanent and the message should not be retried.
505Error on gateway - temporary errorThis error is generated if there is an error on Telesign's partner side that is considered temporary and the message can be retried.
506Error on gateway - permanent errorThis error is generated if there is an error on Telesign's partner side that is considered permanent and the message should not be retried.
508Invalid source addressThe message requires a source address. Verify that one is provided and correct.
509Parameters problemOne or more parameters used in the request is not supported.
510Message blocked by subscriber action or requestThe end user has blocked receiving SMS with their carrier plan or by request or from the particular short code used.
511Subscriber low on creditThe end user exceeded their spending limits and cannot receive SMS.
512Roaming errorThe end user cannot receive SMS because their device that receives the messages is roaming.
513Mobile number portability errorSMS failed because ported combinations are unreachable.
514Subscriber absentThe operator/carrier is temporarily unable to reach the end user.
515Suspected spamThis message is considered to be spam by carrier or operator.
517Selected DLT details for India not supportedThe DLT template ID or entity ID in the request cannot be found by the end operator.
518Message blocked due to high risk SIM SWAP indicatorThe service determined that the SIM swap risk indicator for the destination number is higher than the maximum value configured for your account. For that reason Telesign did not send the SMS.
519Message not sent - requested SIM SWAP check could not be performedThe service could not perform the SIM swap check. This is because either the number is out of SIM swap coverage or information about the potential SIM swap event is missing.
520Content sent is not allowedThe content in this message is not permitted by the carrier.
521Requested Sender ID is not allowed for destinationThe sender ID included in this request cannot be used to send messages to this destination phone number. The sender ID may either be blocklisted for this country or needs to be added to a whitelist for this country.
599Status not availableThe system is unable to provide status at this time.
10000System Unavailable, Please try again later.Internal system error
10030Insufficient funds in prepaid wallet.A top-up of prepaid wallet is needed.
10031Message blocked by customer requestThis code can happen because you requested a block or because Telesign blocked on your behalf. The block is custom, meaning it applies to you and not others.
10032Message blocked by TelesignTelesign blocks a message if it is being sent to a phone number that is on a global blocklist.
11000Invalid value for parameter phone_number.There is a problem with the destination address used. Either the format is not valid, or the number is not associated with any carrier, or if MSC is used it does not know about this MSISDN.
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