Understand Telesign status and error codes
Telesign returns error and status codes in API responses. Typically, status codes are three or four digits long, and go with the type of product you are using. Error codes are five digits long and may come back negative or positive.
How status and error codes are assigned
Status codes are assigned to the various products as follows:
- 1xx - Voice Verify API
- 2xx - SMS Verify API, SMS
- 3xx - Phone ID, Intelligence
- 20xx or 24xx - App Verify API
- 28xx - Phone ID identity signals
- 5xx - Apply to multiple products.
Error codes are applied across multiple products. Review the Error Codes section of the All Status and Error Codes page for further details.
Best practices
When coding, it is best to code against Telesign's error or status codes for a product, not an HTTP response. Telesign may return error or status codes for the following HTTP responses:
- 200
- 201
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 404
- 405
- 500
- 503
You should check the API reference for the endpoint you are using to see which HTTP status codes return error and/or status codes.
Telesign does not recommend coding against code descriptions or text strings, since these may be subject to change. Instead, code against the actual error code or status code.
HTTP response status codes
Telesign web servers use HTTP Response Status Codes to communicate the result of processing requests. The most common status codes returned by TeleSign web servers are:
HTTP status code | HTTP status description | Description |
200 | OK | No error |
201 | The request has been fulfilled and has resulted in one or more new resources being created | No error |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid parameter passed |
401 | Unauthorized | CustomerID does not exist/Account suspended |
403 | Invalid Token | Parameter doesn't match |
404 | Not Found | Invalid URI |
429 | Too Many Requests | Rate limit exceeded |
500 | Invalid Transaction | Transaction not attempted |
503 | Service Unavailable | System unavailable; try again later |
Updated 12 months ago