Messaging - Authenticate using voice call



To add this product to your account, contact a Telesign expert. This product is available for full-service accounts only.

This page guides you step-by-step through how to use Telesign Messaging to authenticate an end user using a voice call. This authentication use case requires using otp_voice as the template name. It includes two parameters: otp_code and language.

Before you begin

Make sure you have the following before you start:


  1. Send a POST /v1/omnichannel request. Go to Send a message with advanced features for more information. Include the following param values when sending a voice message:
channelsarray of channel objectsAdd channel objects to the array in the order you want the service to try the channels.yes
channels[0]{"channel":"voice"}Include voice as the first channel.yes
channels[0].fallback_timeA time in seconds.Specify the time to wait before cascading to the next
message.voice.templateotp_voiceThe name of the template to use for this message.yes
message.voice.parameters.otp_codeOTP code provided by you.The digits will be voiced over in the language provided by you. E.g. 1234 will be said as "one-two-three-four" (in English).yes
message.voice.parameters.languageLanguage provided by you.This is the language in which the end user will hear during incoming calls. See this table for available language formats. English is the default language if one is not

Request example

    "recipient": {
        "phone_number": "9876543210"
    "channels": [
            "channel": "voice"
    "message": {
        "voice": {
            "template": "otp_voice",
            "parameters": {
                "otp_code": "11111",
                "language": "en"
    "message_type": "OTP"
  1. If the request is processed successfully, you should see a response with a 3001 status code.
  "status": {
    "code": 3001,
    "description": "Message in progress"
  "reference_id": "35C8B5D509BC10689196FED2AD551B8A",
  "external_id": null
  1. If the voice call request is placed successfully, the end user receives a voice call on their device. When the call is answered by the end user, the authentication message will be played twice.

  2. If the sending of voice call transaction fails, the service tries to send the next specified backup channel (if any).

  3. Updates on the status of this message are sent to the callback URL for your Transaction Callback Service. GetStatus can be also used to get details about the status of the transactions.

Callback delivery status examples

Successful callback delivery status example

  "body": {
    "channel_status": [
        "voice": {
          "code": 3000,
          "description": "Delivered",
          "reference_id": "5646FAEF5E7C0264939050C56BB30003",
          "updated_on": "2024-09-04T20:31:28.951"
    "mcc": "220",
    "mnc": "05;09;20;11",
    "reference_id": "5646FAEF5D18010C91E24ACE1DF34065",
    "status": {
      "channel": "voice",
      "code": 3000,
      "description": "Delivered",
      "updated_on": "2024-09-04T20:31:28.951"

Unsuccessful callback delivery status example

  "channel_status": [
      "voice": {
        "code": 3110,
        "description": "Invalid request",
        "reference_id": "0716c630-22f4-4a50-b218-391c066993be",
        "updated_on": "2024-08-05T09:54:46.083656Z"
  "mcc": "220",
  "mnc": "01",
  "reference_id": "C64487D9DAB8010C89E54EAD1FFD0D67",
  "status": {
    "channel": "voice",
    "code": 3003,
    "description": "Delivery error",
    "updated_on": "2024-08-05T09:54:46.083656Z"

GetStatus response examples


    "status": {
        "updated_on": "2024-09-04T20:31:28.951",
        "code": 3000,
        "description": "Delivered",
        "last_channel": "voice"
    "reference_id": "5646FAEF5D18010C91E24ACE1DF34065",
    "additional_info": {
        "mcc": "220",
        "mnc": "05;09;20;11"
    "channel_status": [
            "voice": {
                "code": 3000,
                "description": "Delivered",
                "reference_id": "5646FAEF5E7C0264939050C56BB30003",
                "updated_on": "2024-09-04T20:31:28.951"
    "verify": {
        "code_entered": null,
        "code_state": "UNKNOWN"


For this example, the path also includes verify_code as the query parameter - see line 23 to 25.

    "status": {
        "updated_on": "2024-09-04T20:31:28.951",
        "code": 3000,
        "description": "Delivered",
        "last_channel": "voice"
    "reference_id": "5646FAEF5D18010C91E24ACE1DF34065",
    "additional_info": {
        "mcc": "220",
        "mnc": "05;09;20;11"
    "channel_status": [
            "voice": {
                "code": 3000,
                "description": "Delivered",
                "reference_id": "5646FAEF5E7C0264939050C56BB30003",
                "updated_on": "2024-09-04T20:31:28.951"
    "verify": {
        "code_entered": "12345",
        "code_state": "VALID"



In addition to the reference ID for the Messaging transaction itself, the delivery status payload also includes a reference ID for the message-send on each channel. These can be useful for troubleshooting purposes.