Okta telephony - Generate authentication secret using API explorer
There are two methods for implementing basic authentication to generate the authentication secret for the HTTP header needed for the Telesign Okta telephony inline hook. The standard method involves using UTF-8 encoding and Base64 encoding. If you prefer a simpler, quicker method, you can use our API explorer that is used in our reference pages to automatically generate the authentication secret for you.
Before you begin
Make sure you have the following before you start:
- Authentication credentials: Your Customer ID and API Key. If you need help finding these items, go to the see the support article How do I find my Customer ID and API Key?
- A reference page: Any reference page in the Telesign developer docs such as this page. (It does not matter which page you chose.)
- Locate your Customer ID and API Key.
- Open a reference page. (It does not matter which page you chose).
- Under the AUTHORIZATION header in the right panel of the page, put your Customer ID in the Customer ID field and your API key in the API Key field.
- Locate the line of code which starts with
--header 'authorization:
in the "Try it" box on the right side of the page. Copy the string including the word Basic and the space after it. Do not include any backticks. This is the Client Token.

Client token in the API explorer
- Paste the string as the "Authentication secret" value into the Okta console as directed in Okta Telephony - Telesign no-code inline hook.
Updated 7 months ago