Okta telephony - Status codes

Okta expects the following statuses in your response implementation:

SUCCESSFULExternal web service was able to deliver the OTP to the Requester
PENDINGExternal web service wasn't able to confirm delivery of the OTP to the Requester
FAILEDExternal web service was unable to deliver the OTP to the Requester

Telesign Messaging status codes

HTTP status codes are not used to return information to Okta regarding issues that Telesign has detected in the data.
An error object sent in the JSON payload of the response is used instead. HTTP error codes aren't used unless Telesign can't parse the request from Okta. Code against the status.code property in the response payload, rather than the HTTP status code of the response.

For certain issues, the HTTP status 200 will be returned. When this occurs, Telesign will provide the reason inside the errorobject.

Status codeAssociated text stringNotes
3101Invalid value for parameter phone_number: {phone_number}Applicable only for no-code customers.
3110Invalid request
3113Invalid value for parameter channel: {channel}
3200{channel} channel is not enabled for customer
3210Okta Inline Hook API is not enabled for the Customer.Applicable only for no-code customers.
3302Missing parameter phone_number
3204Rate limit exceeded
3206Omnichannel Product not enabled for Customer ID
3301Missing parameter channel
3303Missing parameter message
3500System Unavailable.

Parameters validation and other statuses received through DLR callback

(OPTIONAL for both Messaging and Voice) The following status codes will be provided to you via DLR callback using the Messaging callback service. For SMS, see the codes listed in this table. For Voice, see the table below.

SMS callback status codes

Omnichannel channel status codeOmnichannel channel status descriptionIf last channel, Omnichannel status codeIf last channel, Omnichannel status description
3001Message in progress3001Message in progress
3002Delivered to gateway3002Delivered to gateway
3003Delivery error3003Delivery error
3004Message successfully sent out for delivery, however final confirmation of delivery to handset was not received.3003Delivery error
3030Temporary phone error3003Delivery error
3031Permanent phone error3003Delivery error
3032Gateway/network cannot route message3003Delivery error
3033Message expired before delivery3003Delivery error
3034SMS not supported3003Delivery error
3035Invalid/unsupported message content3003Delivery error
3036Price threshold exceeded3003Delivery error
3037Message blocked in requested country3003Delivery error
3038Destination blocked by prefix3003Delivery error
3039Final status unknown3003Delivery error
3040Queued by gateway3003Delivery error
3041Carrier rejected - temporary problem3003Delivery error
3042Carrier rejected - permanent error3003Delivery error
3043Error on gateway - temporary error3003Delivery error
3044Error on gateway - permanent error3003Delivery error
3045Parameters problem3003Delivery error
3046Message blocked by subscriber action or request3003Delivery error
3047Subscriber low on credit3003Delivery error
3048Roaming error3003Delivery error
3049Mobile number portability error3003Delivery error
3050Subscriber absent3003Delivery error
3051Suspected spam3003Delivery error
3052Message blocked by customer request3003Delivery error
3053Message blocked by TeleSign3003Delivery error
3057Invalid source address3003Delivery error
3058The requested API host is not allowed for this CustomerID3003Delivery error
3071Unverified phone number requested for trial account3003Delivery error
3072Message blocked due to high risk score.3003Delivery error
3101Invalid value for parameter phone_number: {phone_number}3003Delivery error
3102Invalid value for parameter message_type: {message_type}3003Delivery error
3103Invalid value for parameter external_id3003Delivery error
3104Invalid value for parameter account_lifecycle_event: {account_lifecycle_event}3003Delivery error
3105Invalid value for parameter originating_ip: {originating_ip}3003Delivery error
3106Invalid value for parameter callback_url: {callback_url}3003Delivery error
3107Invalid value for parameter country_code3003Delivery error
3108Invalid value for parameter message3003Delivery error
3109Invalid value for parameter sender_id: {sender_id}3003Delivery error
3111Invalid value for parameter max_price3003Delivery error
3112Specified template does not exist for selected channel3003Delivery error
3200{channel} channel is not enabled for customer3003Delivery error
3205SMS Rate Limit Exceeded3003Delivery error
3207Product exceeded transaction hard cap. Request denied.3003Delivery error
3302Missing Required Parameter phone_number3003Delivery error
3303Missing Required Parameter message3003Delivery error
3304Missing Required Parameter message_type3003Delivery error
3305Missing template specific parameters3003Delivery error
3400Not authorized3003Delivery error
3401'x-ts-nonce' header value has been used recently3003Delivery error
3402'Date' or 'x-ts-date' header is not within tolerable range3003Delivery error
3403Missing required 'Date' or 'x-ts-date' header3003Delivery error
3404Invalid Signature.3003Delivery error
3405Missing required 'Authorization' header3003Delivery error
3406CusomterID Account Suspended.3003Delivery error
3407x-ts-nonce' header value is either too long or too short3003Delivery error
3408CustomerID Account Not Found3003Delivery error
3409Invalid source IP address.3003Delivery error
3410Invalid Customer ID.3003Delivery error
3411Invalid API Key.3003Delivery error
3412Required 'Authorization' header is not in the correct format3003Delivery error
3413Not Allowed Host3003Delivery error
3413Date' or 'x-ts-date' header is not RFC822 compliant3003Delivery error
3415Invalid 'x-ts-auth-method' header3003Delivery error
3500System Unavailable, Please try again later.3003Delivery error

Voice callback status codes

Messaging status codeMessaging status descriptionIf last channel, Messaging status codeIf last channel, Messaging status description
3037Message blocked in requested country.3003Delivery error.
3080The call is not delivered to end-user.3003Delivery error.
3081There was an error delivering audio to handset.3003Delivery error.
3052Message blocked by customer request.3003Delivery error.
3053Message blocked by TeleSign3003Delivery error.
3110Invalid request.3003Delivery error.
3500System Unavailable, Please try again later.3003Delivery error.